IGP in ASA Firewall
Information Protocol (RIP)::
RIP is a distance-vector protocol.
By default, an ASA sends routing updates as
RIPv1, but receives updates in either RIPv1 or RIPv2.
If ASA has a default route and we would like it
to be advertised to other RIPv2 routers, you can use the following command:
default-information originate
Ø Identify
any passive interface:
passive-interface { default | interface
Ø We
can filter RIPv2 routing information that is sent or received on an ASA
interface by applying a distribute list.
Ø In a
nutshell, a distribute list uses a standard IP access-list to identify specific
routes; routes matching a permit statement are allowed to be used,
whereas routes matching a deny statement are filtered out.
Ciscoasa(config)# access-list acl-id
standard {permit|deny} <ip-address>
Ciscoasa(config-router)# distribute-list
<acl-id> {in | out} interface <interface>
Use RIPv2 Authentication on ASA interface:
Ciscoasa(config-if)# rip authentication
mode { text | md5 }
Ciscoasa(config-if)# rip authentication
key <key-string> key_id <id>
Interior Gateway Protocol:
Ø Using
IP protocol 88.
Ø Passive-interface
command same as RIP. However, we want to interface subnet to be advertised, but
don’t want the interface to participate in EIGRP routing exchanges.
Ø By
default, EIGRP will automatically summarize subnets routes into classful
network routes when they are advertised.
Ø But
we have contiguous subnets that are separated across ASA interfaces or across
EIGRP routers, we should disable route summarization with the following EIGRP
no auto-summary
Ø If
we have already disabled automatic summarization, the firewall can still
advertise a summary address that is manually configured.
Ciscoasa(config-if)# summary-address <as-num> <address> <mask>
Ciscoasa(config-router)# redistribute {
rip | static | connected } [metric bandwidth delay reliability load mtu ]
[ route-map map_name ]
Ciscoasa(config-router) # redistribute
ospf <pid> [match {internal | external [1 | 2 ] | nssa-external [1 | 2 ] } ]
[metric bandwidth delay
reliability load mtu] [route-map map_name ]
Ø Use
stub routing for an ASA with a single exit point.
Ø If
the ASA has a single connection to the outside world through a neighboring
router, it can become an EIGRP stub router.
Ø As a
stub, it can receives routes (usually a default route) from its neighbor, but
will advertise only specific routes of its own.
Ciscoasa(config-router)# eigrp stub {receive-only
| [connected] [redistributed] [static] [summary ] }
Ø Authentication:
#Interface <interface>
# authentication
mode eigrp <as-num> md5
# authentication
key eigrp <as-num> <key-string> key-id <key-id>
Use filter EIGRP updates by distribution-list
Ciscoasa(config-router)# distribution-list
<acl-id> {in |out} [interface
By default, an ASA generates logging message to
indicate when an OSPF neighbor adjacency goes up or down. We can change the
logging behavior with the following command:
# log-adj-changes [ detail ]
An ASA can advertise a default routes as an
external route by using the following command:
default-information originate [always] [metric value ] [metric-type { 1
| 2}] [route-map name]
Ø By
default, all OSPF routers have an AD of 110, we can change the distance values:
Ciscoasa(config-router)# distance ospf [
inter-area d1 ] [inter-area d2] [external d3]
Ø We
can adjust the OSPF route calculation timers :
Ciscoasa(config-router)# timers {
spf spf_delay spf_holdtime | lsa-group-pacing
seconds }
The OSPF process will wait a delay time of
spf-delay (default 5 sec) after receiving a topology change before starting the
SPF calculation.
OSPF will wait spf_holdtime (default 10 sec)
between two consecutive calculations.
We can also tune the calculation process
with the lsa-group-pacing keyword.
LSA are gathered and processed at regular
intervals (the default is 240 seconds).
Authentication OSPF neighbor in an AREA.
Ciscoasa(config-router)# area <area-id>
authentication [message-digest]
# int <interface>
ospf message-digest-key <key-id> md5 <key>
ospf authentication message-digest
In OSPF stub area if there is only one path into
and out of the area.
Ciscoasa(config-router)# area <area-id>
stub [no-summary]
No-summary keyword to create a totally
stubby area.
Route Filtering, If an ASA configure as an ABR,
it sends type 3 LSA between the areas it touches.
This means that the networks in each area are
advertised into other areas.
We would not want private networks to be advertised
towards the outside, for security and network translation reasons., so we
define a prefix-list:
Ciscoasa(config)# prefix-list <list-name>
[seq seq_number] {permit | deny } prefix/len [ge min_value]
[le max_value]
Unlike RIPv2 and EIGRP, OSPF does not use a
distribute-list to filter routes that are advertised, this is because every
OSPF router maintains its own snapshot of the entire routing topology.
For Example: to permit advertisement of routes
with a prefix of, but having any mask length between 16 and 24
Ciscoasa(config)# prefix-list LIST
permit ge 16 le 24
Ø Next,
apply the prefix list to filter LSAs into or out of an area with the following
Ciscoasa(config-router)# area <area-id>
filter-list prefix <list-name> [ in | out ]
Ø Summarize
routes between areas:
Ciscoasa(config-router)# area area-id range
ip-address netmask [advertise | not-advertise]
Redistribution Example::
Asa(config)# access-list REDISTRIBUTE standard permit [ {
host } | {network netmask} ]
Asa(config)# route-map RMAP
# match ip add REDISTRIBUTE
# router eigrp 100
# redistribute [ospf | rip] {id} metric <> route-map RMAP
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